
內容如下:DEAR CIOCCA我們已幫您和ANDREA在CITY CROWN HOTEL 訂了二間房(23/06/07-26/06/07)到時只需憑著護照到櫃台辦理簡單的登記就可以了費用方面.CITY CROWN HOTEL 是一個晚上台幣4680元加一成服務費飯店中文地址:飯店英文地址:電話:網址:若有任何問題請在MAIL給我們.謝謝
Dear Ciocca

We have reserved two rooms at City Crown Hotel for you and Andrea for your stay from June 23rd

to June 26th

2007. You only need to check in at the counter with your passport when you arrive.你的費用是兩間一晚4680還是一間一晚4680?錢的東西一定要搞清楚哦

不然到時候有誤解. 我用一間一晚4680來幫你翻譯City Crwon Hotel charges NTD 4

680 for one room and charges ten more percent for the service fee. Information of City Crown Hotel:Chinese Address:English Address:Phone: Website:我假設你這一欄是要提供客戶這間飯店的訊息

所以一開始我給了information of City Crown Hotel

這樣可以省略每次都寫這間飯店的贅字.If you have any further questions

please feel free to e-mail us. Thanks. 參考資料 自己


Content as follows:DEAR CIOCCAWe have helped you and ANDREA have subscribed two room in CITYCROWN HOTEL (23/06/07-26/06/07)At the appointed time only had to handle the simpleregistration by reason of the passport to the counter to be allowedExpense aspect CITY CROWN HOTEL is an evening dollar 4

680 YuanCanada tenth service feeHotel Chinese address: Hotel English address: Telephone:Website:If has any question please to give us in MAIL Thanks
We have already helped you and ANDREA to book two rooms at CITY CROWN HOTEL (23/06/07-26/06/07) You only need to go to the counter to apply for registration according to the passport then .As regards Expenses


is new Taiwan dollar of $4680 / per night add ten percent service charge .Chinese address of the hotel: English address of the hotel: Tel.: Website: If there is any question please inform us in MAIL. Thanks
Dear Ciocca

We have booked 2 rooms at City Crown Hotel (23/06/07-26/06/07) for you and Andrea. You

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