ITF青少年巡迴賽有關取消參賽之限制及相關罰則2003/06/17 於會內賽十四天內始提出取消申請 (不包含健康及死亡理由
一年內不得超過兩次) 第一階段:累計4分超過第二階段:累計5分No Show第一階段:累計4分超過第二階段:累計6分凡計累積達 10分時 - 禁賽四週16分時 - 禁賽四週以上22分時 - 禁賽四週以上以上計分方式ITF已於今年5月1日起開始實施
請選手於申請出國參賽時多加注意IMPORTANT NEWSITF JUNIOR CIRCUIT 2003CODE OF CONDUCTIt has become apparent that Late Withdrawals and No - Shows at ITF Junior Circuit tournaments are becoming a very serious problem.According to the ITF Junior Circuit Regulations 2003
Regulation No.49 (page 13) states:Main draw and qualifying players may withdraw from a Circuit tournament fourteen (14) days before the start of the tournament's main draw without incurring any penalty. All withdrawals must be made in writing
by facsimile or by .At the discretion of the Junior Competitions Committee any player withdrawing late from a Group A event
except for reasons of injury
health or bereavement
may be suspended from competing in the following Group A event.The penalty for withdrawing from a tournament less than 14 days before the start of the tournament's main draw are stated in Appendix D Code of Conduct (page 25) :1. Late Withdrawal Any late withdrawal by a player from a tournament
except for reasons of health or bereavement
shall be automatically punished by a levy of suspension points as follows: - four suspension points will be levied against the player on the first occasion of withdrawal without good reason and five suspension points for each subsequent occasion with notification.2. No - Show Any player who fails to sign - in shall be considered a 'no - show' and shall be automatically punished by the levying of suspension points as follows: - four suspension points will be levied against the player on the first occasion and six suspension points for each subsequent occasion without notification. According to the Code of Conduct a total of 10 points will result in a 4 - week suspension. Therefore only 3 late withdrawals or 2 no - shows will result in a suspension. It has been noted that on some occasions there have been many late withdrawals and no - shows. This is extremely harmful to tournaments. On many occasions players in qualifying are moved into the main draw
having made travel arrangements to arrive in time for qualifying and players on the alternate list are not given the opportunity to move into qualifying. Due to the fact that this has become such a widespread problem the ITF Juniors department has taken the decision to grant an amnesty on all Code of Conduct points for late withdrawals and no - shows up until 1st May 2003 in order to avoid the suspension of a very large number of players. However
this notification serves as a WARNING. Any player who withdrawals late from a tournament for any reason other than health or bereavement after 1st May 2003 will receive the relevant Code of Conduct points. When a player reaches a total of 10 points they WILL BE SUSPENDED from playing on the ITF Junior Circuit. At this time we would like to remind players
coaches and others involved in junior tennis that the Code of Conduct will be enforced strictly at all ITF Junior Circuit tournaments and any violation of the Code of Conduct will be punished with points and subsequently suspensions. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to read the Code of Conduct in the ITF Junior Circuit Regulations (page 25) . The ITF Junior Circuit Regulations can be accessed on www.itfjuniors.com (Boring Stuff section)
the ITF Intranet (Library/Juniors)
accessible to all National Associations
and also in booklet form from the ITF. If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct please call the ITF Juniors department: 44 (0) 208 392 4651/3/4.IMPORTANTCODE OF CONDUCTLATE WITHDRAWAL (FOR REASON OTHER THAN HEALTH OF BEREAVEMENT) = 4 POINTS - 1ST OCCASION= 5 POINTS - EACH SUBSEQUENT OCCASIONNO - SHOW = 4 POINTS - 1ST OCCASION= 6 POINTS - EACH SUBSEQUENT OCCASIONTOTAL POINTS10 POINTS = 4 WEEK SUSPENSION16 POINTS = A FURTHER 4 WEEKS22 POINTS = A FURTHER 4 WEEKSPOINTS WILL BE COUNTED FROM 1ST MAY 2003.SUSPENSIONS WILL BE ENFORCED. 參考資料 http://www.sportsnt.com.tw/sample/spo_sample/AssociationNewsSample.asp?struct_id=5898